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Lilo & Stitch 13

Titolo italiano:  Swirly

Experiment #383 - Swirly A new show called 'Look at This!' is going to be broadcast lives in the Birds of Paradise Hotel, and everyone is excited, except Lilo and Stitch. At the same time, Experiment #383 is activated and is a hynotic experiment. Hamsterviel sends Gantu after it to hynotise everyone who watches the episode of 'Look at This!'. Things soon break into chaos when Lilo and Stitch capture Swirly from Gantu and take him home, ending up hynotised, and Swirly is recaptured. Will Lilo and Stitch realise who they are? Will they recapture Swirly and give him his one true place?

Data italiana: N.D.
Data in patria: 03/11/2003
Durata: 0 minuti

Totale voti:   1   0   0 


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